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Metal Prints from Your Photos

Photo prints on metal are beautiful and durable!

Metal Art (Glossy)
Metal Art (Glossy)

High definition metal photo panels with radius coners. Scratch and UV resistant

Metallic Prints from Your Digital Files
Metallic Prints from Your Digital Files

Brushed aluminum material combined with our High Definition printing technology provide visuals with exceptional quality and durability. Your image is printed directly to the aluminum surface using a flat bed printer.

  • Ideal for photo prints and photo enlargements printed from your digital files.
  • Elegant metallic finish gives a high quality, artistic look and feel.
  • Lightweight compared to other mounting options.
  • Final product has a Floatmount like finish so image “floats” off the wall giving the final printed product a modern look.
Custom Aluminum Prints
Custom Aluminum Prints
  • Are great for corporate use and signage, both for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Fantastic for black & white images, where the high contrast gives a dynamic look to the finished product. The white areas show as transparent allowing the brushed metal surface to show through the image, giving this dynamic effect
  • Visuals can be finished with an inset box frame on the back so that the image “floats” of the wall
  • The finished piece can be mounted on the wall using standoff posts (for an additional cost), giving a sleek and elegant way to display the piece.
How a Metallic Photo Print is Made
How a Metallic Photo Print is Made

Printed on 1/8” aluminum composite panel, Metal Photo Prints offer a premium finish at a reasonable price. Aluminum composite panel is a 3-layer product. It has a black polyethylene core sandwiched between two thin aluminum layers with a brushed aluminum finish. The resulting visual shows vibrant colours and saturation, while providing a lightweight, yet durable, finish.

Prints can also be made to allow the brushed aluminum to show through the image giving a unique effect where the lighter parts of the image show a brushed aluminum finish.

The 1/8” print is finished on the back with a floating frame, so the image floats off the wall. Finished metal prints come ready to hang. The edges of the product are machine milled which gives a near perfect finish as required for each memorable piece.

Our highly skilled technicians and craftsman have developed exceptional skills, making us one of the best mounted printing service companies in North America.

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